
Double Color Borders

These are examples of the bold double border cards in horizontal and vertical.

The above card is shown displaying photograph Image6826,
Brown Pelican, taken at Fort DeSoto Park in Florida.

Above is a vertical card with Amazon Green/Sandstone border, displaying photograph Image0529, Siberian Iris.

These are samples of the retangle opening double border. Vertical or horizontal is determined by the photograph you choose. You can visit the Photography by Leedra web site or nature blog to pick photographs for this card.

This card is currently available in Natural Cardstock with the following border colors.

Scarlet Red Bold border with Amazon Green accent
Amazon Green Bold border with Sandstone accent
Terra Cotta Bold border with Sandstone accent
Raven Black Bold border with Granite accent
Midnight Blue Bold border with Granite accent
Sandstone Bold border with Raven Black accent
Raven Black Bold border with Granite accent
Sandstone Bold border with Raven Black accent
Terra Cotta Bold border with Sandstone accent
Midnight Blue Bold border with Granite accent
Amazon Green Bold border with Sandstone accent

1 comment:

Jack said...

I am glad to post my first comment on your blog..thanks for sharing..

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